Spice & Miqo'te
Since April 2022!
Tavern, Bathhouse, Guild, and Home.Come join us for strong drinks, filling food, and a relaxed evening among friends.
Wednesdays and Saturdays..........8:00p-10:00p US EasternSaturdays are Mini Event Days! Less Advertising!
{Crystal} [Mateus] Lavender Beds, Ward 29, Plot 28

Time till next opening:
Next Saturday's Event...
Normal Opening!
...................More than
just work....................
We don't want to do hard work all the time! Every Saturday, we have reduced hours for the Bar being open, and instead will be hosting other events on these days for our patrons, as well as our staff, to enjoy!These events can be pretty much anything! Sometimes it's as simple as my entire Staff Using Fantasia for a Bunny Night! Sometimes we turn the Spice into a Gambling hall! And sometimes we do a Cosplay Competition!Regardless of the Event, we hope to see you there!Event Types:
Spice and Fight! Monthly Fight Club, Betting allowed, Grindstone Rules. Fighters win a portion of all bets!
Cosplay Competitions with Multi-Million Gil Prizes! Group Entries and Solo Entries!
Gambling Nights! Triad, Voidjack, Death Dice, and more!
Trivia Nights!
Themed Openings for holidays!
Open Mic Nights/Talent Shows!
IC Rules
We don't have many Rules, but we ask all Patrons to follow the following:
To receive service, a patron must be at least 18 years of age.
All Food and Drinks are paid for with RP Currency, please do not pay servers actual Gil! However, tips are appreciated.
While using the open baths or sauna, it is REQUIRED to keep at least your Small Clothes on. Swimsuits are the preferred wear.
Weapons are NOT to be drawn within the main Tavern/Bathing/Living Spaces.
Barding IS allowed, but please clear it with the official Staff, preferably the proprietor, first.
Try to keep any dispute civil. Bar fights are not outlawed, but we don't want the whole tavern destroyed.
If you pass out from over drinking, you will be woken and asked to leave, or carried to one of our private rooms to recover.
Do not conduct any overly lewd behavior, consensual or otherwise.
Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a form of ban from the Venue, either a temporary one, or a permanent one.

OOC Rules
OOC Rules are mostly enforced for our public Discord, though OOC talk within the Venue is subject to these rules as well. Most of these are no-brainers, but any of these will result in a potential ban from the Venue, ban from the Discord, or Report in Game.
OOC Harassment, in any form.
This is not a Brothel. While we ask to not do it at all in the Venue, please keep any form of ERP to a Party Chat or Whisper and ONLY with CONSENSUAL parties.
Do not God-Mod your character.
No Main-Character Syndrome, remember we're here to have fun!
The OOC Rules are further Expanded upon in our Public Discord, as most of them only apply there.
..............A little more
than just a Bar..............
Along with the main tavern, we offer the following:
Multiple Private Rooms that you and your friends can rent to get away from the rest of the crowd. 50k/Hour.
A rentable private bath overlooking the Lavender Bed's Sunset, if you want to bathe in peace or with your party only. 50k/Hour.
Spacious public baths on our second floor; filled with cleansing salts and oils to treat your skin and soothe your muscles.
Beds to rent for the night if you're tired, or get a little too drunk. (RP)
Levemete Services (Combat Events for Honored Patrons and FC Members. Anyone can post a quest to get an Adventurer's help!)
Recruitable Adventurers that work out of the Spice and Miqo'te (RP)
Information Gathering Services through our Information Broker (On Leave)
Access to two learned Doctors who run their own practices. (RP)

.........Enjoyed us?
Check out our Friends!.....
Looking for places that are Spice and Miqo'te approved to hang out? Check out our wonderful business partners below! If you're interested in cross venue advertisement, please feel free to reach out to MacAttack228#6929 on Discord, or Si'kan Nin in game!Affiliate Venues are ordered Alphabetically.
Click on their names for Links to their Carrds.(( Si is trying to figure out a good way to layout this page still. Logos will be posted soon! ))
The Apothecafe
The Apothecafe is, at first glance, what it says right on the tin: an apothecary fused with a cafe. There's plenty of bright, cozy spots to curl up in and enjoy the our offerings, but as with every light, it has its shadows. Given the nature of its owner, the cafe also serves as a safe space/neutral ground for otherworldly creatures and/or lawbreakers to conduct their business (as long as they behave, of course).We're a roleplay venue welcoming RPers of all experience levels and styles (though we do tend to lean towards the heavier side of things) and our doors are open for RPing even when we're not staffed. So come drop by, pull up a chair, and wile away the hours with a bubbly potion, a warm meal, or perhaps even something more.Located on Crystal, Zalera, Goblet, Ward 14, Plot 19Open with staff Tuesday, 9p - 12a US Eastern

Wayward Aquisitions
Since the end of the Final Days, our free company has all but transitioned to the Near East with the goal of assisting with reconstruction efforts in Thavnair.
What we found upon our arrival is that our diverse crew can offer so much more than cheap labor. Thavnair is a prosperous country and recognized as a hub for imports and exports, which we intend to capitalize upon.Establishing ourselves as a mercantile company, we make efforts not just in Thavnair, but all across Etheirys to ensure the economy thrives. Whether it be a simple courier's task, obtaining rare artifacts, researching, trading, manufacturing, and more - we are always happy to help! Some below the board deals do border on criminal activity...that is if we get caught. Our clients aren't limited to honest work. If you need it, we'll procure it.If a job needs done, for a bit of coin we'll see it through.Wayward Acquisitions is a multifaceted crew brought together by likeminded ideals to improve the world around us while not aligning ourselves to any true sense of morality.
Si'kan Nin
Proprietress/Guild Levemete
Grand Opening Apr. 2022

Xeko Yhaaska
Started May 2022

Ama Toiroi
Started Jan. 2023

Cereza Agadayne
Started Jun. 2023

Started Feb. 2024

Trustee/Head Server
Started Sept. 2022

Lynk'a Vasiah
Started Jan. 2023

Jun Kageyama
Started Oct. 2024

Iola Abella
Started Aug. 2024

.........A community built
on trust and friendship.....
Below is a list of all of our in-house (FC Member's that are not Staff) and Honored (Repeat Patrons and Close Friends). Organized by Name.Dates are based on Discord Join Date, so not everything is 100% accurate to when they joined the Free Company or Community Proper.Only a user's Main RP Character is listed.
In-House Patrons
Si'kan Nin - April 11, 2022
Arhtilmorn - April 11, 2022
Natasha Kyros - April 11, 2022
Kaelia Drakkari - April 11, 2022
Xeko Yhaaska - April 13, 2022
Claire Leyden - April 16, 2022
Kaety Laine - May 6, 2022
Rinthellia - May 24, 2022
Elaine - May 27, 2022
Karinna Ruyall - July 9, 2022
Lora - August 9, 2022
Gwenn Treharne - August 9, 2022
Lynk'a Vasiah - September 7, 2022
Drog'o Gyslain - September 14, 2022
Senah Mewriliah - October 19, 2022
Ama Torioi - January 5, 2023
Texlyr Drakkari - Jan 16, 2023
Cereza Agadayne - May 4, 2023
Saikhan Gesi - June 10, 2023
Jun Kageyama - October 9, 2023
Ina Amano - December 3, 2023
Yangir Oronir - January 13, 2024
Miho - February 17, 2024
Koffee Haus - April 10, 2024
Rook Nightengale - July 4, 2024
Cor'rin - July 15, 2024
Couha - August 12, 2024
Iola Abella - August 14, 2024
Xue - September 19, 2024
Kah'ral - November 5, 2024
Samson Ironwood - January 11, 2025
Reika - Janurary 17, 2025
Honored Patrons
Tolun Borlaaq - April 18, 2022
Fenella Burke - April 30, 2022
Lovi Solesey - May 9, 2022
Malo Bluefeather - July 24, 2022
Nyte Snow - September 6, 2022
Momoko Himaa - September 17, 2022
Mjara - December 21, 2022
Glitchy Aster - March 9, 2023
Soreas Lennart - March 15, 2023
Leih'li Mewrilah - May 4, 2023
Vesper Koi - October 30, 2023
Zaithgar - November 8, 2023
Katsaya - November 18, 2023
Erin Melivieve - April 25, 2024
Ozbeg - June 19, 2024
Winter - August 14, 2024
Lenae - December 30, 2024
About Us
Thank you for taking the time to check us out! Here's a little about the Spice from an OOC Perspective!My name is Si'kan Nin, and I've been RPing here in Final Fantasy for a very long time, since just before the release of Stormblood! In that time, I have experienced many stories of many characters, and I thought to myself one day: "It's a shame that not everyone gets to really share their stories."And thus the idea for the Spice and Miqo'te was born! Far too often do I find Venues that are simply clubs, or bars where the characters behind the counter are more cardboard than they are people, or the patrons end up sitting alone and not talking at all. The Spice's goal is, and will always be, to be a wonderful place for people to BE their characters, to have positive interactions with my staff, to be remembered and have that continuity!

We don't want the Spice to be a place you just go and idle your time away, we want to be your friend! We want to learn about you! We want to hear your stories! Sadly, we've gotten pretty busy lately so talking time is lesser, but I am working on getting more staff so we can all hang out and chat!Some people have told me it's odd that we're a "Bath House" that isn't 18+. I admit, it's not the first thing you think of when you think SFW Venue, but it's also one of our greatest boons. People just wanna come by and relax, unwind. That's our goal: Be friendly, and ensure everyone has a great time just being their characters!I hope that you'll continue to be our friend, continue to support us, continue to share your tales with us, go on adventures with us, and overall work towards a healthy and happy RP community!